Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Relaxer Can Be Murder

“Oh my goodness!” Dara ran her fingers through her hair. “I love this new cut! You were absolutely right about the braids. I love it! And it’s so soft. What did you do this time?”
“We switched over to a new brand of products. The chemicals aren’t as strong, so you’ll have less breakage. They have a great deep conditioner and leave-in. Shipments come in tonight, so stop by tomorrow morning and pick up a bottle of each.”
Dara could still smell the other half of her sandwich. Joey was right. Everything was good at his place. Not to mention filling. She dangled her doggie bag in front of Macy. “Are you sure you don’t want this half? Joey outdid himself this time.”
“No thanks,” Macy swept the floor around Dara’s chair. “There’s only so much of Joey and his food that I can take.”
Dara shrugged her shoulders and reached for her wallet. “What time should I stop by tomorrow?”
“Try to come before the clients start pouring in.” She placed Dara’s payment in the black cash box she kept in the bottom drawer. “You know Saturdays are crazy.”

Kandee looked at the woman’s nails. “What in the world have you been doing? This is awful!”
“I’ve taken up sculpting. I know it’s bad for my hands, but it works wonders for my soul.”
“Honey, I’m afraid you’re gonna have to choose between the two because you can’t keep French tips and then dig in dirt and clay. I’ll be back.” She stood up from her workstation. “I’m gonna need my heavy duty equipment to deal with this.”
Kandee made her way back to the storage room. “Hey Macy. Are you feeling okay?”
“Sure.” Macy smoothed her shirt. “Don’t I look okay?”
“Well, it’s just that when you didn’t order anything today.” She grabbed her supplies. “You know, in this place, rumors start when one thing is out of the ordinary.”
“What rumors?”
“Well, the way you dismissed Joey today, some of the girls thought it looked like a lover’s quarrel.”

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